Wednesday 13 April 2011

Fans Survey (Part 2) - Supporters Opinions of the Academy

Crystal Palace are known nationally to have one of the best academies for producing young players who make the step up from the academy to first team.
Here is a selection of some of the views of supporters as to how well they believe young players are given a chance at the football club, taken from a fans survey: (Quotes used with prior permission)
Jordan Manning – “They are given time to develop the fundamentals before they are able to step up to reserve and senior level.”
Tony Hart – “I think Crystal Palace has a strong culture of developing young players and giving them the chance to progress to the first team.”
Craig Skinner – “Palace as a club has a long tradition of nurturing young talent and continues to do so.”
John Cushnie – “I think very well. They are given every encouragement with their education as well as enhancing their football ability.”
Sam Hesketh – “Youngsters definitely get a good chance of playing first team football at Palace, over the years we've proven that doing well at the Academy certainly gets you an opportunity in the first team. Even if players don't make the grade with the first team, it seems they are very well looked after with regards to finding them another club, which is commendable.”
Mike Watson – “In a rating of 1 to 10 I would rate at around 9 particularly in the last 3 years or so but we have a history in this area over 30 years (team of the 80s).”
Mark Pratt – “Very well, the future is just as important as the present at the club.”
Crystal Palace Academy
In summary, the vast majority of fans who answered the survey believe that Crystal Palace give young footballers a better chance of gaining experience in the first team than most other clubs in the country, backed up by how many young players have made their debuts especially in the last few years which other clubs can’t compare too.
The club has a long tradition and culture of developing young players which stretches back over 30 years. This helps to show just how much importance the club places on their youth meaning chances are created whereas at other clubs they may not. Youngsters are given time at the club to develop their skills at a young age with the aim of taking these into the future and into the first team in the years to come.
As well as these points, Crystal Palace also help youngsters with their education whilst they are at the club which will help to set them up if their own future does either not lie at the club or in football meaning that they will not be left not knowing what to do if they are released. Also, the club does everything they can to help young players who are released to find new clubs and assist them in continuing their development elsewhere if it is not to be here.
Overall, the fans have huge faith in the academy and players brought through in the past, as well as some waiting to come through to the first team at present, helps the club to be optimistic about the future and seeing more young players develop into first team regulars.

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